What is LED Light Therapy?

LED Light Therapy uses wavelengths that can penetrate the skin up to 1 inch deep to deliver UV-free light energy into the skin. LED targets our cells which will absorb the light and covert it into energy allowing them to function at optimal capacity. LED is non-invasive, painless, and requires no recovery time. It can be used on all skin types. LED has been clinically proven to be safe and effective.

Light Therapy offers a powerful yet relaxing way of obtaining more beautiful skin. It gives you the opportunity to treat an array skin concerns without doing or feeling a thing! Consistent treatments are recommend for greater results.


R e d L i g h t - A n t i A g i n g

LED Red Light Therapy is notorious for it’s anti-aging benefits. Red light is especially powerful because of its ability to penetrate deep into all the layers of the skin where it will deliver optimal skin rejuvenation. It stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, promotes cell repair, and increases circulation. Red Light helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, scarring, sun damage, and promote a more even skin tone. It can also help to relieve pain and inflammation.

B l u e L i g h t - A c n e F i g h t i n g

LED Blue Light is proven to have powerful antibacterial properties that have the ability to kill acne causing bacteria. It helps to prevent and treat acne while reducing activity in the sebaceous glands causing less oil production in the skin. Blue light helps to purify the skin, sooth inflammation, and can also help treat eczema and psoriasis.

G r e e n L i g h t - H y p e r p i g m e n t a t i o n

LED Green Light helps to lighten hyperpigmentation and age spots to reveal a brighter, more even toned complexion. It can also be used to treat dilated capillaries, under eye circles, and sun spots.

Y e l l o w L i g h t - R e d n e s s R e d u c e r

LED Yellow Light stimulates the production of red blood cells, which play a major role in skin healing and skin cell rejuvenation. It helps alleviate skin conditions involving redness, such as spider veins and rosacea. It can help reduce swelling, redness, inflammation, and be used to treat sunburns. Yellow light is also know to be an immunity aid by boosting lymphatic flow, which removes toxins and waste in the skin.

LED Light Therapy Treatment $50 | 30 min

Includes cleansing, 20 minutes under the LED panel, and finishing products.

LED Facial Add On $20


  • Yes, LED Therapy is a non-invasive treatment! It has been used effectively for over 15 years for both aesthetic and medical applications.

    LEDs produce UV-free wavelength, meaning it is safe for regular use and cannot cause sunburns or tanning.

  • LED Light Therapy is suitable for all skin types.

    Do not use LED Light Therapy is you are pregnant, epileptic, have a photo-allergy, or if your taking any medication that causes sensitivity to light such as accutane or tetracycline.

  • LED Light Therapy requires multiple sessions before noticeable improvement. LED builds on the work of previous treatments and requires consistency! Improvement will increase as you continue sessions.

  • We recommend getting an LED Light Therapy treatment every 2 weeks for best results, otherwise monthly treatments are recommended!